The e-learning materials you upload to your students often contain links to other materials. For example to websites, articles, pictures or other. The material that you link to is very often protected by copyright law. So the question remains – is it legal to link to it?. That used to be doubtful. However, in […]
Category: Education online
E-learning and Texts
Most texts are protected by copyright In most cases texts are protected by the Danish Copyright Act. If a text is protected by copyright, you may only use it for e-learning purposes, including making it available to your students by uploading it to an intranet, if your educational institution has a Copydan agreement or […]
E-learning and Images
As a rule, images are protected by copyright Images are protected by the Danish Copyright Act. Therefore you can normally only use images in e-learning if your educational institution has a Copydan Billedkunst (visual arts) agreement. Otherwise you need permission from the copyright holders. What is protected under the Copyright Act? The Copyright […]
E-learning and Music
Music is protected by copyright Music is protected by the Danish Copyright Act. Except in cases were you just quote from a musical work, you will need permission before using music for e-learning purposes. Normally your educational institution would need an agreement with KODA. What music is protected under the Danish Copyright Act? The Danish […]
E-learning and Films
Films are protected under the Danish Copyright Act Films are protected by the Danish Copyright Act. Therefore you are not allowed to use films in e-learning unless you have permission or if it just a quotation, etc. See below. Which films are protected under the Danish Copyright Act? The Danish Copyright Act protects among others: […]
E-learning and Radio and Television Broadcasts
Broadcasts are as a rule protected by copyright Radio and television broadcasts are protected by the Danish Copyright Act. Therefore you are generally only allowed to use them for e-learning purposes if you have been granted permission by the copyright holders. What is copyright protected? Firstly, The Danish Copyright Act protects the actual broadcasts. […]
What Rights Do You Have to Your Own E-learning Materials?
Teachers have copyright As a rule, teachers who produce their own e-learning material own the copyright to it, no matter if it is text, images, music, film or something else. The scope of copyright You automatically get copyright as soon as you have created the material. You do not have to mark the material with […]
Creative Commons and Open Access
What is Creative Commons? Creative Commons is an international non-profit organisation whose purpose is to help anyone involved in the production of texts, pictures, film, music and the like to publish their work in a way that makes it more freely accessible to users than copyright work normally is. Creative Commons does this by […]
Webcast Teaching. Do You Know Your Rights As a Teacher?
Webcast, podcast etc. Many educational institutions would like to offer e-learning as webcast teaching and learning. Webcast means that the teaching sessions are recorded and that the recordings are published on the Internet or an intranet. Types of Recordings The recordings may be audio recordings, but can also include filming. If the recordings are published […]
E-learning and Students. Legal Rights and Duties
Students may play an active role E-learning is more than just teacher-led education. Sometimes the students play an active part, too. For example, they may ask questions or make their voice heard on the institution’s intranet. Students may participate in “threaded discussions” with the teachers and other students, or ask questions to the teacher via […]